Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Question #4 - What is your game strategy?

I play a lot of computer games, mostly old Role-Play-Game or turn-based game. Sometimes, you can find certain analogy between game and life.

Take Spider Solitaire for example. You cannot tell if you can finish a game or not in the beginning, you do not know the future. Depending on which card you turn, you can turn a promising game into a dead end or vice versa, pretty much like the choices in life.

For RPG, it is better to have a balanced TEAM in certain games. But for the Raising type of game, I find that a balanced character in the beginning of the game is not a good idea. A balanced character means a low average for all attributes, which also means this character will not stand out in the case of competition. On the other hand, if the character is heavily biased in attributes, you can do certain tasks easily and win competitions easily.

I think it is true to a certain point that in real life, it is better to have a biased characteristics for a person to go up the career ladder. If you are very good at certain things, it is highly likely you will be picked to perform those things. You can accumulate your experience and reputation easily, meanwhile, picking up other skills. If you are just average, you will probably end up being average because you won't have any chance to show yourself.

So, what is your strategy, if you treat life as a game?


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